About Us
Who are we?
We are a Venture Crew based in La Mesa, California, and we spend our time going on trips that you can check out here, as well as serving our community! We are proudly a part of our chartered organization, the Fletcher Hills Kiwanis Club!
When and where do we meet?
We meet at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church at 455 Church Way, El Cajon, CA 92020. We meet every 1st and 3rd Monday from 7pm-8:30pm. A full Venture uniform is highly recommended if you have it, but not required.
Am I able to join?
Anybody between the ages of 14-20 are able to join Crew 324! All you need is to have a love of helping others and going on fun outings!
How can I join?
All you need to do is send an email showing your interest to our current President and Advisor, linked down below!
What if I'm not old enough to join Crew 324?
Then go check out the awesome troops that meet at the same time and place as the Crew does! Troop 324B and Troop 324G work closely with each other and the Crew, and you'll be encouraged to join the Crew once you're able to! Go check out Troop324.com for more details!
Our Cabinet
Feel free to reach out to any of us for more details!
Our Advisors